Company details


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Rechtliche Hinweise Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß §10 Absatz 3 MDStV:

Roger De Castro Landstr. 36 63454 Hanau MOBIL: + 49 (0)179 2293125



Eingetragen in die Handwerksrolle bei der Handwerkskammer Wiesbaden für das Fotografen-Handwerk,

Betriebs Nr.: 0079532


Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer : DE167544154


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IMPRESSUM Informations pursuant to § 5 TMG:

Responsible for this web site (pursuant to § 10 Section 3 MDStV):

Roger De Castro Landstr. 36 63454 Hanau MOBIL: + 49 (0)179 2293125



Registered in the trades at the Chamber of Wiesbaden for the photographers, operation No.: 0079532 

VAT identification number: DE167544154

COPYRIGHT The photos, image material and texts used on this website are protected worldwide by copyright laws. Any use of one or more of these images, in particular the downloading, processing and dissemination for commercial and personal purposes, is not permitted. The misuse, even in extracts, is punishable and will be prosecuted under civil and criminal law pursuant to the Copyright Law (UrhG) Sections 97 + 106. All brands and trademarks named within this Internet site and which may be protected by third parties are subject unreservedly to the provisions of the respectively valid trademark law and the rights of ownership of the registered holders in each case.

LIABILITY FOR CONTENT The information contained on this website is provided to the best of our knowledge and its correctness checked with great care. Nevertheless, errors in the content and subject matter cannot be entirely excluded. »dc photodesign« does not assume any guarantee for the information provided being

LIABILITY FOR LINKS Despite careful checking of the content, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.


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